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Discrimination, wrongful termination,Walker v. Internal Reve

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Walker, a clerk typist with the IRS, is a light-skinned African American. Her supervisor is a dark-skinned Africa American. Walker filed an action alleging that she was terminated by her supervisor in violation of Title VII. Does she have a cause of action under Title VII?

[Walker v. Internal Revenue Service, 713 F.Supp. 403 (N.D. Ga. 1989)]

Discrimination, wrongful termination,Walker v. Internal Revenue Service

Please describe what the Issue, Rule, Application and what the conclusion would be.

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? Issue: Walker a light skinned typist with IRS alleged that she was being discriminated against by her dark skinned supervisor and was wrongly terminated. She filed a suit claiming that she had been terminated because of discriminations and that she had a claim under Title VII.

? Rule: In pursuance to the ...

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