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Newton's Law of Cooling explained

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In the beginning of the year, we discussed qualitative graphs and independent/dependent variables. One of the situations we graphed was the temperature of some food taken out of the oven while we waited for it to cool enough to put into the refrigerator. This situation can actually be modeled with an exponential equation of the form y = ab (the standard form of an expontial equation).
The equation we use is called ''Newton's law of cooling. This law models the temperature of an object as it cools down, as when a pizza is removed from the oven and placed on the kitchen counter. The function model is T(x) = T + (T - T ) e , k<0. In this equation,

T = the room temperature, or the temperature of the surrounding medium (degrees F)

T = the initial temperature of object (oven temperature when pizza was baked) ( F)

K = is the cooling rate constant as determined by the nature and physical properties of the object (in this case, the pizza). Note: k is always less than zero.

X = the time (in minutes) after the pizza is removed from the oven and placed at room temperature

T(x) = the temperature of the pizza at x minutes after the pizza is taken out of the oven.


John and Sally are making pizzas for a late night snack while studying for their Math 107 final. John has a meat lovers pizza, and Sally has double cheese. The two pizzas are taken from a 450 degree oven and placed on the counter to cool. The temperature in the kitchen is 75 degree, and the cooling rates for the pizza are:

Meat Pizza: k= -.29 Cheese Pizza: k = -.35

1. Sally waits ten minutes after the pizza has come out of the oven, and then takes a big bite from her pizza. Did she wait long enough? (Most people like to eat their pizza when it is 110 F.)

2. How long should John wait before digging into his?

3. Make a graph showing the cooling rates for each pizza for 30 minutes , and illustrate on the graph when a pizza is:

a) Just cool enough not to burn your mouth (about 130 degrees)
b) When it is too cool to be enjoyed (less than about 90 degrees)
c) And state on the graph the range of time someone should wait to eat the pizza after it comes out of the oven.

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John and Sally are making pizzas for a late night snack while studying for their Math 107 final. John has a meat lovers pizza, and Sally has double cheese. The two pizzas are taken from a 450 degree oven and placed on the counter to cool. The temperature in the kitchen is 75 degree, and the ...

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