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1. Find the greatest common factor of 12x and 27x = The GCF is
2. Find the greatest common factor of 28a b,8a b , and 36ab
3. Factor. Check the multiplying.
3x +6x =

4. Factor. Check the multiplying.
9x y +45x y +_18xy=

5. Factor: x (x+2)+5(x+2)=

6. Factor by grouping: 45x -18x +35x-14 =

7. Factor by grouping: x +3x -7x-21=

8. Factor the trinomial : s +12s+32
(Type N if the trinomial is not factorable)

9.Factor the trinomial: v -8v+12

10.Factor: a -2a-63=
Type N if the trinomial is not factorable

11. Factor the trinomial: v -3vd-54d

12.Factor: 2w -5w-12=
Type N if the trinomial is not factorable

13. Factor: 20s +17s -63

14. Factor : 20+ 22w-12w

15.Factor: 12w -13w-35

16. Factor:Note the middle has already been split,
v +5v+7v+35

17. Factor by grouping
5s +18s-35 =

18. Factor by grouping
15c -19c-10=

19. Factor by grouping
8b -23b-3=

20. Factor the trinomial:
9d +6d-24

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Factoring problems are solved. The solution is detailed and well presented. The response received a rating of "5/5" from the student who originally posted the question.

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