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Determining Slopes of Lines From Two Points and Equations of

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Sometimes you need to find the slope of a line based on two given points. Sometimes you need to read a linear equation and determine the slope of a lone from the equation. This solution covers both of these cases and shows how to avoid errors, especially when determining the slope from two points. It also shows how to interpret information from all three forms of the equation of a line.

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This solution shows how to determine the slope of a line either from two given coordinate points or from an existing linear equation.

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Finding The Slope of a Line From Two Points

Given two points on a coordinate system that are described as the ordered pairs of (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), you may find the slope(m) of the line from the following equation.


Beginners using this formula typically ask "Which ordered pair describes "Point 1" and which describes "Point 2". IT DOESN'T MATTER! But once you make the decision on which ordered pair you will assign to "Point 1" and "Point 2", you must be consistent
in your ...

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