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Find the limits

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Given that lim x-->a f(x)= 1
and lim x-->a g(x)= 0
and lim x-->a h(x)= -16

Find each of the limits (please show work). If the limit does not exist state why.

a)lim x-->a f(x)g(x)

b)lim x--->a (the square root of h(x))

c) lim x-->a f(x)/g(x)

d) lim x-->a g(x)/(8f(x)+h(x))

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The expert finds the limits in these questions.

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Find the limits

Given that lim x-->a f(x)= 1
and lim x-->a g(x)= 0
and lim x-->a h(x)= -16

Find each of the limits (please show work). If the limit ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Meerut University
  • MSc, Meerut University
  • MPhil, Institute of Advanced Studies
  • MSc, AIT
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