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equation for speed

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1) Jack and Jill ran a 100 meter race. Jill ran the race in 10 seconds and won by 5 meters; Jack had run only 95 meters when Jill crossed the finish line. They decide to race again, but this time Jill starts 5 meters behind the starting line. Assuming that both runners run at the same pace as before, who will will the second race and by how many seconds?

2) It takes you 30 seconds to walk from the first (ground) floor of a building to the third floor. How long will it take to walk from the first floor to the sixth floor (at the same pace, assuming all floors have the same height)?

3) Suppose you have a pipe with a circumference 8 cm and length 30 cm and that 8 turns of a wire are wrapped around the pipe. What is the length of the wire?

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This solution thoroughly demonstrates the equation for speed.

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1.) For this problem it is important to understand the equation for speed:

Speed = Distance/Time

The question states that they will rerun the second race at the same pace as the first. Thus, their speeds will remain the same. So we must calculate the speed of each runner:

Jill: s = d/t = 100m/10s = 10 m/s
Jack: s = d/t = 95/10 = 9.5 m/s

We will just rearrange the speed formula for time for the second race:

Time = Distance/Speed

By substituting in our ...

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