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Venn Diagram

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Josh is conducting a telephone survey for a telecommunications company. Over the course of a 4 hour shift, he logged the following calls:

16 to single-family homes
21 to homes with more than one telephone line
17 to people who were satisfied with their current long-distance provider
11 to people who lived in single-family homes and were satisfied with their current long-distance provider
7 to single-family homes with more than one telephone line
9 to people who were satisfied with their long-distance provider and had more than one line
4 to people who lived in single-family homes, had more than one line, and were satisfied with their long-distance provider
5 to people who lived in multi-family buildings, had only one line, and were unhappy with their current long-distance provider.

How many calls did Josh make in this shift? Illustrate your answer with a Venn diagram.

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I made 3 circles:
black = single family homes
green = homes with more than one telephone line
purple = satisfied with their telephone provider

* 5 to people who lived in multi-family buildings, had only one line, and were unhappy with their current long-distance provider -- ...

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