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Descartes as an Agent of Change

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Management textbooks often refer to people who make a difference within organizations as change agents. What is less often discussed, aside from what they did and the positive results, is what made them do it. One answer to this question was penned by the author and playwright, George Bernard Shaw, when he told us, "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress [change] depends on the unreasonable man" (Quotation Details, 2005).

Based on Shaw's notions, select between Pascal, Descartes, or Galileo , and describe whom you would consider a change agent. Please discuss why you selected that person, what the person did, and the change that was caused by the person's actions.

Remember that change is not always synonymous with something positive or good. What is seen as a supposedly well-intended action by one person, in reality, quite often had very negative and long lasting consequences for the person or others.

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Based on Shaw's notions, this solution describes Descartes as an agent of change in terms of what he did and the change outcomes. A rationale is also provided for the choice of Descartes over Pascal and Galileo. Supplemented with links for further exploration.

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1. Management textbooks often refer to people who make a difference within organizations as change agents. What is less often discussed, aside from what they did and the positive results, is what made them do it. One answer to this question was penned by the author and playwright, George Bernard Shaw, when he told us, "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress [change] depends on the unreasonable man" (Quotation Details, 2005). Based on Shaw's notions, select between Pascal, Descartes, or Galileo, and describe whom you would consider a change agent. Please ...

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