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Electric force between baryon and antibaryon

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This question is about how the properties of particles may be found from their constituent parts, and how these relate to the forces between them.

1(a) What are the electric charges of the baryon and antibaryon formed from the following combination of quarks and antiquarks?

Choose the appropriate electric charge onto each baryon or antibaryon.

Choice of electric charges:
+3e +2e +1e 0 -1e -2e -3e

Fill in the blanks with phrases in bold below to complete the following sentence:

The electric force between the baryon and the antibaryon is ___________and its strength is ______________ than the strength of the electric force between two electrons at the same separation.

the same
2 times stronger
2 times weaker
3 times stronger
3 times weaker
4 times stronger
4 times weaker

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Solution Summary

This solution is a very clear illustration of how to get the electric charge of baryons/antibaryons from their constituent quarks/antiquarks. It also uses a sample problem to illustrate how to calculate the electric force between a baryon and an antibaryon, and finally compares the strength of this force with that between two electrons at the same separation.

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I start by letting you know that quarks and anti-quarks are a fundamental constituent of matter, and that there are 6 known types of quarks namely, up quarks (denoted u), down quarks (denoted d), charm quarks (denoted c), strange quarks (denoted s), top quarks (denoted t), and bottom quarks (denoted b).

Also, there are anti-quarks for each of those groups of quarks, and are denoted by the same symbols as their corresponding quarks but with a bar '-' sign on top of each symbol. The up anti-quark for instance is denoted by 'bar' u, while the strange anti-quark is denoted by 'bar' s. Anti-quarks differ from their corresponding quarks only in that some of their properties have equal magnitude but opposite sign. (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quark for more reading on quarks and anti-quarks).

Next, I have to let you know that up quarks have an electric charge of +2e/3 ...

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