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from the geocentric model to the heliocentric model

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Moving from the geocentric model to the heliocentric model required more than one major change in outlook. Among those changes, people needed to accept that the Earth is not the center of the Universe.
Discuss how great a change this made in our understanding of our place in the universe.

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The solution provides an explanation of the changes from the geocentric model to the heliocentric model.

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The Western world used to believe that the Earth was the centre of the universe. It was an idea that the ancient Greeks first proposed - that the other planets, the Sun and the Moon all circle the Earth, while the distant fixed stars all look on inwards to us as the centre of creation. This idea suited the Christian outlook of the times, for it physically placed the human race where God had placed them psychologically - as the crowning glory of His creation.

Copernicus was one of the first scientists to challenge ...

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