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Distance versus Time Plot

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For a distance vs. time plot,

A) Compare a graph of someone walking at a constant slow pace and a graph of someone walking at a constant fast pace. How are they similar? How are they different?

B) Compare a graph of someone walking toward a motion detector and a graph of someone walking away. How are they similar? How are they different?

C) Compare a graph of someone walking at an increasing pace (accelerating) and a decreasing pace (decelerating). How are they similar? How are they different?

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Solution does not draw any graph, yet explains what the graphs will look like and why.

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A) Constant pace, in either direction, indicates a constant slope, a straight line graph.
A constant slow pace makes a small angle with the time axis, and a constant fast pace makes a larger angle with the time axis.
Slow and fast are similar in that each is a straight line, and different in that ...

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