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Individual Advocacy Skills

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As a behavioral health professional what do you hope to bring to the field of advocacy, mediation, and consultation? Consider the following:

1-What one word best describes the individual skills you bring to the advocacy, mediation, and consultation arena? Explain your reasoning.
2-Why do you feel these skills are important?
3-How do you purpose to utilize these skills to advance the behavioral health field? Support your answer with real life experiences.

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As a behavioral health professional what do you hope to bring to the field of advocacy, mediation, and consultation? Consider the following:

1-What one word best describes the individual skills you bring to the advocacy, mediation, and consultation arena? Explain your reasoning.
2-Why do you feel these skills are important?
3-How do you purpose to utilize these skills to advance the behavioral health field? Support your answer with real life experiences.

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Dear student:

I enjoyed assisting. I am the original author of the following. Thank you.

As a behavioral health professional what do you hope to bring to the field of advocacy, mediation, and consultation? Consider the following:

1-What one word best describes the individual skills you bring to the advocacy, mediation, and consultation arena?

The one word I choose is "Accepting."
Why? As a behavioral health professional, I must be accepting of all that I serve. I must not make pre-judgments and refuse to help an individual based on rumor. I ...

Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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