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Forensic Evaluations in Civil Court

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There are various types of forensic psychology evaluations that are helpful in issues germane to the civil courts. Some issues relevant to civil court proceedings include child custody issues, issues assessed by independent medical examinations (IMEs), competency issues of all types (i.e., competency to handle one's financial affairs, competency to execute a will, etc.), and issues centered around civil commitment. In this Application you explore types of evaluations utilized in civil court proceedings, as well as the different reasons why and methods by which forensic psychology evaluations are performed.

Compare (similarities and differences) the three civil forensic psychology evaluations you selected.
Then explain when you would use each evaluation and why.
Finally, explain what insights you had or conclusions you drew based on your comparison.

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The solution provides information, assistance and advise on the topic of forensic psychology evaluations utilized in civil court. Resources are listed for further exploration of the topic.

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Dear Student,
Hi and thank you for using Brainmass. The solution below should get you started. In this particular task, you are being asked to talk about 3 evaluations used in civil court. I suggest using the following outline:

1. Talk about FP role in Civil court - 100 words
2. Evaluations list and their application - 200 words
3. Utilization & insight - 100 words

This outline should yield 400 words which should cover what you need. Just let me know via the feedback section if you need further clarification. You can also use the listed resources to further explore the topic. All the best with your studies.

AE 105878/Xenia Jones

Forensic Psychology Evaluations in Civil Court

There are particular evaluations utilized by the civil court because of the application and purpose of these evaluations. The Clinical Psychology Associates (2015) explain this as follows, "Forensic Psychologists perform evaluations in a large number of civil and administrative settings. These involve evaluations in Worker's Compensation systems, Disability Insurance or Social Security Disability Determinations, personal injury evaluations, fitness for duty evaluations, civil competencies, and determinations involving placements or entitlements for accommodations. Evaluations may also include evaluation of possibly impaired professionals. Often, in these systems distinctions are made between treating and evaluating providers." Additionally it is important to note the particular role of the evaluating ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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