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Population Parameter & Analyze statistical test needed

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In the following example, what is the population parameter? Is the population parameter the mean of the population being tested?

The experiment consists of a psychologist trying to find out how accurately students can solve multiplication problems. To do this, the groups are divided in two ways: In the first is the type of reward, either a small reward or no reward, and the second is the amount practiced: either all training in one three hour session or training in one hour per day for three days. They are trying to find out whether the types of reward and the days practiced affects how accurately students can solve the problems. What is the statistical test that you used to conduct this analysis?

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Solution Summary

Your tutorial is brief, 107 words and two references, and discusses what a population parameter is and what kind of test you need here. The independent and dependent variables are identified.

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The experiment consists of psychologist trying to find out how accurately students can solve multiplication problems. To do this the groups are divided in two ways: In the first is the type of reward, either a small reward or no reward, and the second is the amount practiced: either all training in one three-hour session or training in one hour per day for three days. They are trying to find ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, University of Virginia
  • MSc, University of Virginia
  • PhD, Georgia State University
Recent Feedback
  • "hey just wanted to know if you used 0% for the risk free rate and if you didn't if you could adjust it please and thank you "
  • "Thank, this is more clear to me now."
  • "Awesome job! "
  • "ty"
  • "Great Analysis, thank you so much"
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