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Assessment of Cognitive Abilities: Intelligence

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The assessment of cognitive abilities draws a range of opinions in terms of the validity of assessing "intelligence". Begin by defining what is assessed. Choose one side of the argument (that "intelligence" can be accurately measured or that it cannot) and present and review the evidence that supports that position. Focus upon professional literature to establish your position.

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This solution explores whether intelligence can be accurately measured. It first describes research on measuring intelligence, and then questions the reliability and validity of such tests. Approximately 510 words with 4 references.

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Scholars suggest that intelligence can be measured based on three aspects: (a) problem-solving ability [e.g., logic reasoning], (b) verbal ability [i.e., speaking clearly and possessing a wide vocabulary], and (c) social competence [having the ability to get along with others] (Sternberg, 2006; Friedman & Schustack, 2002). According to Friedman & Schustack intelligence and creative ability are so much a part of the psychological makeup of an individual is that it should be considered a part of the personality. However, they admit that information on intelligence is too vast to be included in any analysis of personality. As to whether intelligence can be accurately measured, I take the position that approaches to defining intelligence prevent it from being defined as a part of the personality, and for assessing intelligence fairly. My position is based on an understanding that methods to assign personality traits and assess individuals' intelligence are often culturally biased ...

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