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Stages of Sleep, Acquisition of Language, Erikson's Psychosocial Stages

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Please assist with these psychology questions:

1. Describe the stages of sleep. Identify the major sleep disorders.
2. Describe the way that language is acquired.
3. Describe and explain Erikson's psychosocial stages.

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The expert describes the stages of sleep and identifies the major sleep disorders. The ways languages are acquired are determined.

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1) Stages of sleep & disorders

Generally, the stages of sleep are separated into the following, which I'll describe briefly, but you'll likely want to add more detail to.

Stage 1: Loss of conscious perception of external environment. Some people have muscular twitches. A transition of alpha (akin to being awake) to theta waves when brain activity is monitored on EEG.

Stage 2: General loss of muscle tone. Characterized by electrical activity known as sleep spindles and K-complexes. You may wish to identify what these are specifically.

Deep sleep: Slow, delta wave forms appear to be more prominent.

REM: Little to no muscular tone, eyes tend to move very rapidly in this stage. Oddly enough, the waveforms of REM sleep are similar to those seen when one is awake. This is the stage of most dreaming.

During the course of sleep, your body generally cycles through Stage 2 to REM over and over.

Some sleep disorders:

Insomnia - inability to fall asleep or maintain being asleep, typically chronic before it can be called insomnia
Narcolepsy - often results in falling unconscious and into physiological sleep involuntarily during times when one would otherwise not sleep.
Restless leg syndrome - best described as an absolutely irresistible urge to move the lower limbs during sleep. This can wake individuals up from sleep.

There are many, many more, and as a result, you may wish to look back at your course materials to identify which ones you should describe in greater ...

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