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Mentall Illness and Crime

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You are the senior member of a two-man hostage negotiation team for a maximum security facility in the Northeast. You and partner are called to a cell block where an inmate, identified as Alfredo Albondigas, has taken two facilities maintenance personnel and a fellow corrections officer hostage. He is claiming that there are aliens from another planet living in his cell block and demanding that they leave immediately. He has given an ultimatum that if he does not see the flying saucer leaving the exercise yard area in 2 hours, he will kill the maintenance personnel that he has taken hostage because he knows that they are giving signals to the aliens about him and the other inmates.

Mr. Albondigas is armed with a handmade knife and has his head wrapped in aluminum foil. The corrections entry reaction team (CERT) is working with you has a green light to kill Mr. Albondigas, but there are no current opportunities presenting themselves. You have managed to get a throw phone into Mr. Albondigas and you have direct phone communication with him. Also, because of the phone's design, when he hangs up, you can still hear what is going on in the room. He has not hurt the maintenance personnel so far, but he is using the corrections officer as a translator to speak to the maintenance personnel, as if the maintenance personnel were not speaking English, but some alien tongue.

This scenario may seem humorous because it is fictional, but if it were real, it would be very serious for both the hostages and Mr. Albondigas. You are tasked by the warden and incident commander to make an operations plan centered on dealing with this mentally ill offender.

(Please see attachment for full description of assistance needed) Be sure to include references for sources used

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Solution Summary

This solution identifies several key characteristics that can help determine the proper steps in alleviation the hostage situation between Mr. Albondigas and his hostage.

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Based on this scenario, there is a lot of informative material that can help you make valid decisions on what you feel will be the most appropriate approach. The first step is to review the scenario in its entirety, as there are many helpful hints as to what Mr. Albondigas maybe experiencing. Second, review the different types of disorders as listed in your attached document and ...

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