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CheckPoint: Autism and Mental Retardation

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1. List the primary features of autism.

2. Which explanation for autism lacks research support and is no longer considered valid?

3. What forms of treatment are helpful for a person with autism?

4. List the criteria for a diagnosis of mental retardation.

5. Explain one way in which sociocultural biases in testing might pose problems for assessing mental retardation.

6. Of the four levels of mental retardation, into which category do most people with mental retardation fall?

7. What are the main types of biological causes of mental retardation?

8. What is the only way to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome?

9. What are normalization and mainstreaming?

10. What is your opinion about mainstreaming and normalization for children and adults with autism or mental retardation?

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Solution Summary

The solution addresses:

1. List the primary features of autism.

2. Which explanation for autism lacks research support and is no longer considered valid?

3. What forms of treatment are helpful for a person with autism?

4. List the criteria for a diagnosis of mental retardation.

5. Explain one way in which sociocultural biases in testing might pose problems for assessing mental retardation.

6. Of the four levels of mental retardation, into which category do most people with mental retardation fall?

7. What are the main types of biological causes of mental retardation?

8. What is the only way to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome?

9. What are normalization and mainstreaming?

10. What is your opinion about mainstreaming and normalization for children and adults with autism or mental retardation?

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Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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