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Discussion of Psychopathology

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Question: Short description of common psychopathology definition words. This includes clinical and psychotherapy words.

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - Acceptance and commitment therapy.
Addictions- Any of the addictive behaviors: alcohol abuse, substance abuse, sexual addiction etc.
Adjustment - Fitting into a positive pattern of interaction in relationships and being socially well-adjusted.
Adjustment issues - Issues in forming and maintaining relationships with other people.
Assessment - Used as supplementary diagnostic information on a patient by using any of the appropriate and available clinical assessment and rating scales, diagnostic tests and personality inventories.
Attitude - A set positive or negative way of perceiving an object, a place, a situation or relationships with other persons.
Aversion therapy - A treatment based on classical conditioning which attempts to condition an aversion to a stimulus or event to which the patient is attracted in appropriately.
Axis - Diagnostic axis in DSM-IV-TR. There are five altogether include Axis I: Clinical disorders, Axis II: Personality disorders and Intellectual Disabilities, Axis III: Medical problems, Axis IV: Environmental and psychosocial and GAF: Global Assessment of functioning.
Case history - Initial demographic and clinical history of the patient as it relates to the presenting problems as well as includes the root causes of the same as they emerge in psychotherapy sessions over time.
CBT - Cognitive behavior therapy in which the focus is to bring positive change in thoughts and behaviors that are unhelpful and cause problems in the patient's life and relationships.
Claustrophobia - Fear of closed spaces as in crowds or elevators.
Client-Centered - Theoretical framework emerging from humanistic school of thought that promotes self growth.
Clinical Assessment - A clinical assessment is necessary for treatment planning. It helps determine the problem areas that need to be addressed in treatment as well l as the types and modalities of treatment to be offered and most suitable to the patient. Clinical Assessment problem areas that need to be addressed in treatment as well as the types and modalities of treatment.
Clinical Summary - Case report that is authored after the first session with a patient in which ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Rutgers, NJ
  • MA, NYU
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