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Extraneous Variables

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Think about times when extraneous variables may have impacted your performance on a test, for example. consider when extraneous variables become confounding variables. Do you think these variables can really alter the results of a study? Why? Are the extraneous or the confounding variables a more significant methodological problem?

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Extraneous Variables are clearly explored in this case. References are also infused to validate the findings.

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1. Think about times when extraneous variables may have impacted your performance on a test, for example. Consider when extraneous variables become confounding variables. Do you think these variables can really alter the results of a study? Why?

Yes, extraneous variables can alter the results of a study. By definition this is true, as they are considered undesirable variables that influence the relationship between the variables that an experimenter is examining. These variables can influence the outcome of an experiment because they cause the result not the independent variable. This is why one of ...

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