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Quantitative V Qualitative Research

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When looking at psychological research, you will find there are many scientists who avoid using qualitative data. Examine the various statistical techniques described for different study designs. Do you see more qualitative or quantitative references? Why do you think some psychologists are more comfortable with conducting studies using quantitative data instead of qualitative data? What would be an advantage to using qualitative data along with quantitative data?

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Quantitative and Qualitative Research are contrasted. References are also infused to validate the findings.

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1. Do you see more qualitative or quantitative references?

Your research probably found more quantitative references.

2. Why do you think some psychologists are more comfortable with conducting studies using quantitative data instead of qualitative data?

Many psychologists are trained to believe that quantitative research data is objective and more reliable than qualitative data, because it uses the scientific method that gives more control over the study. Conversely, qualitative data is seen as lacking control and subjective (versus objective like qualitative data) and thus less reliable.

3. What would be an ...

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