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Scientific revolution of reproductive cloning:

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Your choice of revolution or discovery should be as current as from 1900 to the present.
A few examples of scientific revolution or discoveries:
 Flight
 Space travel
 New physics revolution
 Penicillin
 The mapping of the human genome
 Cloning
 The general theory of relativity
 The atom bomb
 Nanotechnology
 The computer

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The solution deals with reproductive cloning as a scientific discovery. It desribes the process and lists the benefits as well as the negative impacts of the same.

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The biotechnology application chosen by me, as a creative revolution in current scientific thought is known as Reproductive cloning. It is a technique which involves producing a duplicate of an existing animal. This technique has already been used to clone the sheep "Dolly" and other mammals.

The application of reproductive cloning involves the process of removing the genetic material (DNA) from an ovum and replacing it with the DNA from a cell removed from an adult animal. Then, the fertilized ovum, which is known as a pre-embryo, will be implanted in a womb and allowed to develop into a new animal. Reproductive cloning is meant to produce an exact twin of an existing person or an animal.

It has been argued that reproductive cloning has its own benefits. For instance, certain talents are genetically influenced. Cloning using the DNA from the cell of an adult with the desired traits might produce an infant with similar potential. A heterosexual couple where in the husband is completely sterile could utilize adult DNA to produce a child. The process of reproductive cloning might prove to be satisfactory for such couples as compared to using the sperm of another man. Even lesbians could opt to have a child through reproductive cloning rather than by artificial insemination by a man's sperm. Each of them would contribute part of her body to the fertilized ovum; one woman would donate the ovum, which contains some genetic material in its mitochondria, and the other ...

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