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Multiculturalism & Diversity: Voice of a Modern Black Female

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Interview for Cultural Diversity Class?

Situate yourself in society. Are you part of any minority group? HAve you been discriminated against because of your ethnicity and race? Has any relevant historical event affected you, your elders or people who share your ethnicity? What political and socio-economical events has affected you or your ethnicity?

Can someone help me with this, I don't need names but some answers to the above questions & maybe some personal experiences could help.

I am a Black, female

If you can answer some questions, please post and let me know.

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Solution Summary

The solution takes on the point of view of an African-American female who looks into events in history - social, cultural, political and economical that has affected her ethnicity and the manner by which this has influenced or affected her as a member of a particular ethnicity and a particular social group.

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Dear Student,

I will provide assistance to you by giving you a simulated solution based on the information you have provided about yourself. Now, please remember that this solution is only a guide - which means that you cannot pass it on as your own but work with it to create your own version. I shall make it as minimal as possible - 500 words as you have requested. Before that however, I would like you to remember what Cultural Diversity is about. Diversity in its simplest terms refers to the differences that are many and varied. In a social setting, this refers to the following: Race, Culture, National Origin, Region, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Age, Marital Status, Politics, Religion, Ethnicity, Disability, economic differences, Family structure, Health, Values, etc. In most cases, diversity is seen to connote multiculturalism (also known as cultural diversity), referring to racial, cultural and ethnic diversity within the population/membership of a specific place or group, whether primary, secondary or referential like in a university, a corporation or business, a town, city or a country. Nowadays, nations the world over recognize that while differences can cause conflict, it is also a rich ground for improvement and source of new ideas for the purpose of development. Cities like New York & Chicago for example find that its diverse population presents a good sampling of the American & global populace. Now, with this in mind, let us situate you in this 'culturally ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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