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Crime and Conventional Behavior according to Sutherland

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Sutherland said definitions and techniques of behavior are learned. His position, however, was that most techniques necessary for crime were the same as those used for conventional behavior. What techniques are necessary for committing common crimes? What are major points of the theory? How does labeling cause deviance?

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This solution analyzes the Differential Association Theory posited by Edward Sutherland.

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The Differential Association theory is relatively simplistic in its explanation of criminal behavior. This summary will give you a detailed explanation of what Sutherland was attempting to convey in scientific terminology, but I will convey it laymen terms for YOU. Conventional behavior is learned from childhood during the formative years of childhood. When a child is born into a traditional valued family and witnesses traditional behavior and norms exhibited by their parents, this child will incorporate these norms into their value system and most probably adhere to them throughout adolescence because the people most important in their life have exhibited this behavior. Therefore, even in neighborhoods where high crime rates are the norm, families can still produce generations of law-abiding citizens because of ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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