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Article on child welfare

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Go onto the Internet and find an article in which you have interest regarding a controversial issue relating to either sex/gender or the family.

Briefly discuss the topic of the article.

a. Explain what the article is about (include the link to the article in your essay).
B. Provide your own suggestions on how the problem might be solved.
C. Explain your analysis of the topic.

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Provides a sample article that tackles child welfare and then proceeds to discuss the issues raised.

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This article is about the need for agencies that provide foster care services to keep siblings together when they enter the foster care system. It points out the relationship between siblings. It makes a claim that siblings in abusive or neglectful situations provide the nurturing and support consistently, otherwise missing from a child's life. In many cases, the system tries to find homes where siblings can be together, however it is not always possible. This creates problems because siblings ...

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