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How print media develops American Pop Culture

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Describe the roles that the print media has played in the development of American popular culture.

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How does print media develop pop culture? This posting takes a look at how print media affects today's cultural values and why it is believed to do so.

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Print Media & Pop Culture

Print media comes in many shapes and forms. Newspapers, magazines, billboards, bus signs, cab ads and brochures are all part of the print media that we are exposed to on a daily basis. Because of this overload of print media, American pop culture has changed. Ads for restaurants, fast foods, health clubs and fashion are all part of the print ad culture. For example, an ad is placed on a bus for a quicker, easier way to prepare an at home meal. This is meant to target the many people that ride the bus to and from work daily. Why come home to make a full meal from scratch when it is so much easier to heat something up that has already been made.

In an article by Walter Fox (http://www.netreach.net/~wfox/popcult.htm), it is believed that print media made it's major impact on American Pop Culture from 1890-1900. According to Fox, "Before this period, newspapers occupied an ancillary position in the formation of public ...

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