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Industrialization and the class system

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I am having problems with answering the following question.

With industrialization, the class system;
a) Becomes more rigid.
b) Becomes less rigid.
c) Begins to disappear.
d) Begins to emerge.

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This solution provides an answer and explanation for the following multiple choice question:

With industrialization, the class system

a) Becomes more rigid.
b) Becomes less rigid.
c) Begins to disappear.
d) Begins to emerge.

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You have asked for an answer and explanation for the above multiple choice question.

You can eliminate answer d) right away since the class system was around long before the start of industrialization. You can also eliminate c) since the class system never did disappear and still exists today in the form of rich and poor. That leaves us with answers a) and b). Did the class system become more or less rigid? Let us think about how the class system was set up before industrialization. Everything was based on land ownership. If you owned land, you were considered upper class or bourgeois and if you did not own land, you were of a lower or peasant class. It was very difficult to gain land if you were a peasant, nearly impossible in fact ...

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