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True / False : Correlation , Regression,ANOVA

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1._____ An independent variable is defined to be a variable that is to be predicted or estimated. It is also the one that is measured.

2._____ When using the ANOVA technique, the F statistic is a ratio of two mean squares, the Mean Square Treatment (MST) and Mean Square Error (MSE).

3._____ There is not one "t" distribution, instead a "family of t distributions.

4._____ The coefficient of determination (r 2 ) is the proportion of the total variation in the independent variable X that is explained, or accounted for, by its relationship with the dependent variable Y.

5._____ The regression equation is used to estimate a value of the independent variable X based on a selected value of the dependent variable Y.

6._____ If there is absolutely no relationship between two sets of data, the correlation coefficient, r, will be zero.

7._____ In an ANOVA, the degrees of freedom for the numerator is computed by taking the total number in the sample and subtracting one from it.

8._____ Goodness-of-fit test--is a parametric test involving a set of observed frequencies and a corresponding set of expected frequencies. The fundamental purpose of the test is to determine if there is a statistical difference between the two sets of data one of which is observed, the other expected.

9._____ A correlation coefficient of -1.00 or +1.00 indicates perfect correlation.

10._____ For a straight-line trend equation, Y'= a + bt , "b" represents the amount of change in "t" for each increase of one in Y.

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Answer of True or False questions from correlation, regression,ANOVA, probability distribution

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1. FALSE : An independent variable is defined to be a variable that is to be predicted or estimated. It is also the one that is measured.

2. TRUE . When using the ANOVA technique, the F statistic is a ratio of two mean squares, the Mean Square Treatment (MST) and Mean Square Error (MSE).

3. TRUE There is not one "t" distribution, instead a "family of t distributions.

4. ...

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