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Interpretation of Correlation coefficient

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Recent medical research demonstrated there is a strong (r=.60) correlation between the excessive weight and incidences of breast cancer. How can we interpret this statement? Can we say that excessive weight is the leading cause of breast cancer? How confident can we be about the strength of the relation between these two variables? Can we conclude that the correlation observed on the sample is also the population correlation coefficient?

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Solution make interpretation about correlation between excessive weight and breast cancer for given value of correlation coefficient. It also cheks for other causes that may be leading to breast cancer.

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Can we say that excessive weight is the leading cause of breast cancer?
We have information about just one variable "excessive weight" which accounts for 36% (r-square =0.6^2=0.36) variance in incidences of breast cancer. Since there are other variables which account for rest 64% variance, we cannot conclude that excessive weight is the leading cause. We need to have ...

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