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Mini Meta Analysis

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Conduct a mini-meta-analysis. There is really no such thing as a mini-meta-analysis, but you don't have time to conduct a full meta-analysis. Anyway, with the topic of your choice, find 1-3 articles (WWW or Cybrary). Using information from the 1-3 articles, estimate the effect size of a variable. So, if you find more than one article (try your best), your articles will have to concern the same subject and the same variable, and at least part of the studies involved will need to examine differences between means. As an example, you may want to look at evaluations of Treatment X. So you will need to find articles that evaluate Treatment X, using the same groups and using the same outcome measure. So, your estimate of effect size might be the difference between the treatment group and a control group in terms of an outcome measure. Try your best to find more than one article.

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Conduct a mini-meta-analysis. There is really no such thing as a mini-meta-analysis, but you don't have time to conduct a full meta-analysis. Anyway, with the topic of your choice, find 1-3 articles (WWW or Cybrary). Using information from the 1-3 articles, estimate the effect size of a variable. So, if you find more than one article (try your best), your articles will have to concern the same subject and the same variable, and at least part of the studies involved will need to examine differences between means. As an example, you may want to look at evaluations of Treatment X. So you will need to find articles that evaluate Treatment X, using the same groups and using the same outcome measure. So, your estimate of effect size might be the difference between the treatment group and a control group in terms of an outcome measure. Try your best to find more than one article.

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The three articles for this meta-analysis are listed below:
<br>Cavanaugh, R.A., Heward, W.L., & Donelson, F. (1996). Effects of response cards during lesson closure on the academic performance of secondary students in an earth science course. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 29, 403-406.
<br>Gardner, III, R. (1989). Differential Effects of Hand Raising and Response Cards on Rate and Accuracy of Active Student Response and Academic Achievement By At Risk and Non At Risk Students During Large Group 5th Grade ...

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