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Independent Sample/F Distribution/Type I Error

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a. What is an independent sample? What is a related sample? When should researchers use different hypothesis tests for independent and related samples? Is one type of sample preferable over the other?

b. What is a Type I error? Explain how the cumulative Type I error affects your decision making. How is the two independent sample t-test different from ANOVA?

c. Why is the F distribution important? How do you determine if a significant difference exists among the groups in ANOVA? How do you determine differences between the groups in ANOVA?

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Independent Sample, F Distribution and Type I Error are analyzed.

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a. An independent sample is one in which the two variables which are being tested in the hypotheses are not related or influenced by others. A dependent sample is one in which the two variables are influenced by each other or follow the 'before-after' relationship. Researchers use different hypothesis tests for independent and related ...

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