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Mark the terms that only relate to selecting a specific stat

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Place an 'X' in front of those issues that only relate to selecting a specific statistical test. (Do not put an 'X' in front of items common to all tests or not applying to statistical tests.)

_____ The distribution (shape) of the population (e.g., normal, skewed, flat, etc.)
_____ The measurement scale/nature of the data being evaluated (nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio)
_____ The size of the population (assuming it is much larger than any samples)
_____ The level of significance (_) you wish to place on the test results
_____ Whether you have matched/related or unmatched/unrelated samples
_____ The degrees of freedom (sample size) associated with your sample(s)
_____ The statement of the null and research hypotheses
_____ Whether the sample was stratified or not

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The expert examines markets for terms that only relate to selecting a specific test.

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__Yes___ The distribution (shape) of the population (e.g., normal, skewed, flat, etc.)

__Yes___ The measurement scale/nature of the data being evaluated ...

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