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Non-parametric Hypothesis Tests, Correlation & Regression

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Use the RENAL.sav file from Norusis and do the following:

1) Mann-Whitney U test (nonparametric)

- Use the same variables you used in the Independent Samples t-test from DATA ANALYSIS PROJECT 3 (Assignment 11).

- Conduct a Mann-Whitney U test on the scale variable with the nominal variable as a grouping variable.

- Copy and paste the output in a Word processor in RTF format.

- State the hypothesis to be tested.

- State the reject / not reject decision and conclusion.

2) Kruskal-Wallis H test (nonparametric)

- Use the same variables you used in the One-Way ANOVA from DATA ANALYSIS PROJECT 3 (Assignment 11).

- Conduct a Kruskal-Wallis H test on the scale variable with the nominal variable as a grouping variable.

- Copy and paste the output in a Word processor in RTF format.

- State the hypothesis to be tested.

- State the reject / not reject decision and conclusion.

3) Chi Square test (nonparametric)

- Choose any two nominal variables from the RENAL.sav file.

- Conduct a Chi Square test of Independence on the two variables, displaying the crosstabulation table.

- Copy and paste the output in a Word processor in RTF format.

- State the hypothesis to be tested.

- State the reject / not reject decision and conclusion.

4) Correlation & Regression

- Choose any two scale variables from the RENAL.sav file.

- Create a scatterplot with regression line.

- Conduct a linear regression analysis and test for correlation.

- Copy and paste the output in a Word processor in RTF format.

- State the hypothesis to be tested.

- Discuss the computed values of R, R-squared and the regression model.

- State the reject / not reject decision and conclusion.

- In the RTF document, you should state the variables you are analyzing, display the SPSS output, and add a brief analysis of the output. The analysis should be a brief write-up (probably about one or two paragraphs) of what you can conclude from the output and any insights you might have. Disregard APA rules for this paper, but adhere to the rules of grammar / spelling / punctuation.

- Note: Please choose variables that you actually understand. The scoring breakdown is:

- 1 point: Selected correct variables for Mann-Whitney U test

- 1 point: Mann-Whitney U test performed correctly

- 1 point: Mann-Whitney U test decision and conclusion correct

- 1 point: Selected correct variables for Kruskal-Wallis H test

- 1 point: Kruskal-Wallis H test performed correctly

- 1 point: Kruskal-Wallis H test decision and conclusion correct

- 1 point: Selected correct variables for Chi Square

- 1 point: Chi Square performed correctly

- 1 point: Chi Square crosstabulation displayed correctly

- 1 point: Chi Square decision correct

- 1 point: Chi Square conclusion correct

- 1 point: Selected correct variables for Correlation & Regression

- 1 point: Correlation & Regression performed correctly

- 1 point: Scatterplot with line displayed correctly

- 1 point: Correlation decision and conclusion correct

- 1 point: R and R-squared discussed correctly

- 1 point: Regression Model stated correctly

- 3 points: Output explained correctly and completely (you may receive partial credit here)

Copy the SPSS output into a Word file and add your analysis at the appropriate spots within the document, then save the file as a .rtf file using the NCU file naming convention and submit for credit.

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Solution Summary

The solution provides step by step method for the calculation of Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis H test, Chi Square test, Correlation and regression analysis in SPSS. Formula for the calculation and Interpretations of the results are also included.

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