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Use of Kruskal-Wallace and ANOVA

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I would like a comparison of ANOVA tests and Kruskal-Wallace testing. When is it best to use each one? I would also like a basic description of each.

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This posting details when is it best use Anova tests and Kruskal-Wallace testing.

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ANOVA requires the assumption that the population being compared are all normally distributed with equal variance. When we have reason to believe that the population under study are not normally distributed we cannot use ANOVA.
In such situation we use kruskal Walis test.This test is a non parametric test that was designed to detect the differences among the population which requires no assumptions about the shape of the population distribution

The Kruskal-Wallis test is a nonparametric method of testing the hypothesis that several populations have the same continuous distribution versus the alternative that measurements tend to be higher in one or ...

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