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Statistics for Producing Power Drinks

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Assume NJD Bottling is a company producing power drinks. You visited the company and did a sampling of 15 bottles to figure out the average volume of the bottle. You recorded the following data: 17, 16, 17.5, 16.7, 17.3, 15, 17.2, 17, 17.2, 16.8, 17.3, 16.9, 17.4, 17.7, 17.1
a- Find the mean, median mode of the data
b- If the population is normally distributed with a standard deviation of .4 , can we conclude that the average volume is approximately 17
c- How would your answer to the above question change if we don't know the population standard deviation
d- How would your answer to part b and c change if we are interested in the average being at least 17
Assume that all answers should be given at a 98% confidence level

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Statistics for producing power drinks are examined.

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Assume NJD Bottling is a company producing power drinks. You visited the company and did a sampling of 15 bottles to figure out the average volume of the bottle. You recorded the following data: 17, 16, 17.5, 16.7, 17.3, 15, 17.2, 17, 17.2, 16.8, 17.3, 16.9, 17.4, 17.7, 17.1

a- Find the mean, median mode of the data
b- If the population is normally distributed with a standard deviation of .4 , can we conclude that the average volume is approximately 17
c- How would your answer to the above question change if we don't know the population standard deviation
d- ...

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