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Multiple choice questions on regression analysis

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4. The variable plotted on the horizontal or X-axis in a scatter diagram is called the:
a. scatter variable b. independent variable
c. dependent variable d. correlation variable

5. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding the coefficient of
a. It can range from -1 to 1.
b. Its square is the coefficient of determination
c. It measures the percent of variation explained
d. It is a measure of the association between two variables.

6. Which of the following is a stronger correlation than -.54?
a. 0 b. -.45 c. .45 d. -.67

7. A regression equation is used to:
a. Measure the association between two variables
b. Estimate the value of the dependent variable based on the independent variable
c. Estimate the value of the independent variable based on the dependent variable
d. Estimate the coefficient of determination

8. A regression equation was computed to be Y = 35 + 6X.
The value of 35 indicates that :
a. An increase in one unit of X will result in an increase of 35 in Y
b. The coefficient of correlation is 35
c. The coefficient of determination is 35
d. The regression line crosses the Y-axis at 35

9. What does a coefficient of correlation of .70 mean?
a. Almost no correlation because .70 is close to 1.0
b. 70% of the variation in one variable is explained by the other variable
c. Coefficient of determination is 0.49
d. Coefficient of non determination is 0.30
e. None of the above

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Multiple choice questions on regression analysis

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