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Regression Line and R2

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1. Consider the following data table. Compute the regression line if z on x.

z 50 67 70 90 95 101
x 3 4 7 10 12 13

2. Consider the following data table which consists of the data from problem 1 and a second set. Compute the regression line of z on x and y. How much has the adjusted R2 increased from problem 1?
z 50 67 70 90 95 101
x 3 4 7 10 12 13
y 16 11 9 7 6 2

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Attached in Word and Excel, this solution provides the regression lines on one and two variables and talks about the increase in R2.

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1. Consider the following data table. Compute the regression line if z on x.

z 50 67 70 90 95 101
x 3 4 7 10 12 13

Regression Analysis

r² 0.948 n 6
r 0.973 k 1
Std. Error 5.027 Dep. Var. Z

ANOVA table
Source SS df MS F p-value
Regression 1,825.7585 1 1,825.7585 72.25 .0011
Residual 101.0749 4 25.2687
Total 1,926.8333 ...

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