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Plan for Organizational Change

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Picture yourself as a new manager hired into a failing division in a company. The product line is outdated and losing market share, inter-departmental communication is adversarial, and competition for corporate funding is fierce. How are you, a new person, going to turn things around? Consider the following example, Symphonic Cooperation (see the attached file), from another "industry".

Write a plan for the company you have just been hired into incorporating the following elements:

1. Your vision of the new organizational structure for your division including how you would realign individuals, tasks, processes and functions
2. Steps to manage the transition from the old organizational structure to the new
3. New policies that you would implement that should begin right away to facilitate the change to the new organizational structure

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This solution explains a organizational change plan, including a vision of the new organizational structure, how to realign individuals, tasks, processes and functions and the steps to manage the transition from the old organizational structure to the new. Supplemented with one highly relevant article.

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Please see response attached (also presented below), as well as supporting document. I hope this helps and take care.


1. Your vision of the new organizational structure for your division including how you would realign individuals, tasks, processes and functions

Clearly, changes are needed. My vision would be to increase profit margins by taking several major steps. First, I would focus on the organizational structure, and second on the outdated product line. I would bring management and employees together in a series of collaborative decision-making steps. I would take a series of steps to reinvigorate the employees. Team work groups would be employed in order for the employees to be part of the decision making process which has been shown to increase employee morale, increase work motivation, job satisfaction and job performance. New product lines would be determined by investigating and surveying customer needs, the competitions, etc. I would realign the employees according to new product lines (cost and differential advantages), skills and experience.

Briefly, the old hierarchy consists of something that looks like the traditional "org chart" with its columns of subordinates below the manager of an isolated functional area. In this organization decision-making is concentrated with the management, roles are narrowly defined, based on content or functional knowledge, and autonomy is limited. In the traditional matrix some functional expertise is "loaned" to a project manager who is charge of a particular product or service outside the bounds of the organization. The project manager often has some fiscal autonomy and control, which allows him or her to pull resources out of the traditional hierarchy, often in a group or team setting, to work on the project. Autonomy is less limited, but loyalties, and therefore efficiencies, are split between the functional organizations and the project.

In the new organization, individual contributors will be organized into teams around a mission or business plan, which may encompass more than one product or service. Each team member will have a role focus, but the task of cross- functional knowledge and expertise are shared so that team members can constantly assist each other and their customers. Each team member is in a role set, and although there are senior managers, team members and customers (internal ...

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