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steps in the consumer decision making process

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Assume you have been given $100 and asked to buy a pair of denim jeans. Outline the steps in the consumer decision making process that you would go through. Make reference to the influences (social, psychological and situational) that would impact on your decision. (You may keep the change or add in some money).

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Solution Summary

Assume you have been given $100 and asked to buy a pair of denim jeans. Outline the steps in the consumer decision making process that you would go through. Make reference to the influences (social, psychological and situational) that would impact on your decision. (You may keep the change or add in some money).

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First of all, I will identify the main problem or need that has motivated me to make this purchase, such as purchase of new jeans for casual or daily wear or for parties, purchase for replacing an existing jeans which I used to wear, etc. Once the need is identified, I will go into the market and search for various alternatives available in the marketplace. For example, I will identify various brands such as GAP, Express, Versache, etc. for jeans and gather information on price, various color options and styles like boot cut, regular fit, slim fit, etc. I will also obtain ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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