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Problem of AMD Corporation

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Research the AMD Corporation (http://www.AMD.com). After reviewing of all the documents you can find on the web and in libraries, write a 2 to 3 page response to the following questions:
1. What is the most important problem facing the AMD Corporation?
2. What recommendation(s) would you make to the AMD Corporation, and in what order of priorities?
3. How do you balance between your commitment to shareholders and your commitment to the community?

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Solution Summary

This problem discusses the problems facing AMD Corporation. It also discusses how a balance may be struck between commitment to shareholders and commitment to the community.

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1. What is the most important problem facing the AMD Corporation?
The most important problem facing the AMD Corporation is the strategic challenge it faces from Intel. AMD might make better products than Intel but to market them successfully, it must have power in the market. The best and largest distributors carry Intel products and they refuse AMD microprocessors, Graphic processors, motherboard chipsets and hand set media chipsets. The largest computer makers avoid AMD products because they don't want to earn the wrath of Intel. In short, the market power of Intel and the use of that power against AMD is the most important problem facing AMD Corporation.
This problem becomes more acute because Intel carries out its strategy against AMD on a global scale. In the USA there are laws and provisions in place under which AMD can challenge Intel in the court if there are hidden cash incentives and discounts that dissuade vendor and computer makers ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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