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What are some good traits for an effective leader?

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Leadership requires a certain personality that individuals can develop and improve on. But, there are also certain traits to be an effective leader. What are these traits to ensure the team has a good leader?

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Understanding what are some traits/character a leader should have to make them effective for a successful team.

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To be an effective leader, there are certain traits a person should develop and improve within.
Here are six traits to consider:
1) Vision -
Leaders need to plan according to the organization's goals and mission for the projects currently being worked on. However, it is important to be able to see where the organization can go and what is in the future.

2) Optimism -
If there is an issue to resolve, that may require a bit of realistic view, but optimism in the way you look at work so that you can keep the morale high. You want to inspire and motivate your employees.

3) Adaptability -
Things happen and each project on occasion has fires that need to be put ...

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