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Written opinion on why although change can be positive overall

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Written opinion on why although change can be positive overall, it can also end poorly. How can the obstacles of change be overcome? Explain using detail and examples.

500 words and any citations need to be in APA format.

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Written opinion on why although change can be positive overall is examined.

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Written opinion on why although change can be positive overall, it can also end poorly. How can the obstacles of change be overcome? Explain using detail and examples.

Change is often fearful for many people because they have grown accustomed to the same routine, experiences, and processes. This is why change that could eventually be positive is viewed by many people as problematic and unwanted as before the positive outcomes can occur, a period of uncertainty will occur wherein the change process will result in fear, setbacks, and a lack of commitment by people unless they are consistently encouraged to remain motivated by the new changes. These obstacles to change are expected to occur in any organizational change situation as most people fear change. ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS, Sam Houston State University, 1903 University Avenue, Huntsville, Tx 77340
  • MS, Prairie View A&M University
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