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Hewlett-Packard Customer Service Survey

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How do you prepare a 10-13 detailed question survey to collect primary data on a Hewlett-Packard Customer Service after hour team that has not been able to follow the process needed to serve the customer, as well as not able to take ownership of faults and management has done nothing for this to improve? This is an organizational problem. How would that survey look?

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Solution Summary

In regards to collecting primary data on Hewlett-Packard Customer Service, this solution identifies questions to use for the survey. Specifically, questions need to address the fact that the after hour team that has not been able to follow the process needed to serve the customer and not able to take ownership of faults, while the management has done nothing for this to improve. Supplemented with two sample surveys to draw on for organization and structure.

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1. How do you prepare a 10-13 detailed question survey to collect primary data on a Hewlett-Packard Customer Service after hour team that has not been able to follow the process needed to serve the customer, as well as not able to take ownership of faults and management has done nothing for this to improve? This is an organizational problem. How would that survey look?

When developing a survey, you will be concerned about the following: What do you want to find out? What are the responsibilities of the after hour team? What factors are most important to improve the situation? What factors are likely to improve the quality of performance of the after hour team? These are the factor that the survey will measure. In a sense you need to predict what things are might be causing the problem (i.e., hour team that has not been able to follow the process needed to serve the customer, as well as not able to take ownership of faults and management has done nothing for this to improve). It could be the following: Tone at the Top, Staff Accountability, Supervisor Commitment, Work Related Values, Job Satisfaction and ...

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