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Project: Construction

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I need help with an example/sample for the following assignment.

Scenario: You are the project manager responsible for a new building construction in northern Virginia. The building is worth $500,000 and will have five bedrooms, a kitchen, landscaping, and a two-car garage to be completed in two years. This was agreed upon in a firm fixed contract. During the execution(construction) of the building, you realize that the cost of materials have gone up by 10%, and your schedule is behind by 90 days due to delays from county inspections and permit processes. You also notice that if you continue with the current cost rate and schedule rate that the total cost to complete this house would be $600,000 and delivered
three months late.

Submit a three-page report explaining the reasons for these variances from your original project management plan and the proposed steps on how you are going to control the cost and schedule to achieve the contract threshold of $500,000 to be delivered in two years. Your plan must include the following:

Address identifications of impacted activities with their cost and schedule attributes remembering to account for contingencies.

Address explanations of the roles your project management team will play during the execution of your project management plan and how they will help you to control the issues that are arising during the project.

At the end of your essay, add a separate section entitled, "Reflections on My Learning." In this stand-alone section, summarize what you have learned in doing the research, reading the textbook, and reading the written lessons in regard to project management and how it impacted your decisions in this essay. Refer to the execution and control process examples in the Handbook of project-based management: Leading Strategic change in organizations textbook, Chapter 17. Include at least one additional source to support your ideas, thoughts, and theories. Use APA format to document your sources in-text and in your "References" list at the end of the essay.

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This posting gives you a step-by-step explanation of a project for building a new construction in north Virginia. The response also contains the sources used.

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In accordance with BrainMass standards this is not a hand in ready assignment but is only background help

Step 1
Reasons for Variances:
The building plan showed that it was worth $500,000 and will have five bedrooms, a kitchen, landscaping, and two-car garage to be completed. This was a firm fixed contract which implies that the contract provides for a price that is not subject to any adjustment on the basis of the contractor's cost experience in performing the contract. However, during the construction of the building, the cost of materials has increased by 10%. Further, there were unexpected county inspections and delays in permit process that have pushed back the schedule of the project by 90 days (1).

The activities adversely affected by the increase in the price of material are building, insulation, moisture protection, fixing of doors, surface finishing, and masonry. My project team is trying to keep the cost of the project to the budgeted amounts by using the expertise of workers to reduce use of costly material, and reducing waste of materials. Further, I am trying to ensure that there is no increase in the cost of human resources. Specifically, I have reduced leave granted to key personnel and have scheduled vacations after the completion of the project. I have appointed an internal auditor who regularly monitors the ...

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