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    Program Execution

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    Using crontab in UNIX

    Create a crontab to perform the tasks listed below at the frequencies specified. Note that you do NOT need to write the actual scripts! a) Run a backup script named local-backup from the /usr/local/adm directory every weekday at 11:30pm. b) Execute a cleanup script named weekly-cleanly from the same directory above

    Variables, output of program

    Main module Call Input module Call Calculations module Call Output Module Call Greeting module End Program Input module Declare LastName as a character variable Declare Num as interger Write "Enter your last name" Input LastName Write "Enter the course number" Input Num Return Calculatio

    Using C printf Statement to Debug an application

    There are many ways to debug a program, perhaps the most elementary is using a printf() statement to show important pieces of information regarding the program execution point, variable value, and loop and branch operation. The solution also answers the following questions. How can you use the printf() statement? Where will y

    Deadlock in a system is noted.

    A system has 5 active processes(A-E) and one type of resource, which there are 200 total unites available in the system. the current state of the system is shown in the table below. the HOLDS column indicates the amount of the resource the process has allocated to it. the REQUESTED column indicates the additional amount of the

    Modified Mortgage Calculator Problem

    PLEASE USED ATTACHED SRC.ZIP FILE Write an Exception class called MortgageInputexception.java. this class will inherit from the Exception.class in the java API. The exception should be packaged in the src.calculator.gui package. Modify MortgagedisplayGui.java to include a function called is ValidRate(String testValue) is V

    Computing Speedup & Efficiency

    If I have 100 processors for a computation with 5% of the code cannot be parallelized, how do I compute the speedup and efficiency?