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    Marketing in Health Care

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    Marketing for Health Care

    How and why is pricing critically important to the marketing of health care products and services? What factors play a role in the pricing decision?

    Marketing for Health Care

    How do economic, technological, social, and competitive factors influence marketing strategy in the health care field? Which factors do you feel are most influential?

    Value of marketing as it is used in the healthcare field

    This answer needs to be about healthcare. This is a healthcare marketing class. If you were an administrator presenting a marketing plan to your board of directors, and you were asked what is the value marketing adds to your organization, how would you respond? Why?

    Planning, Marketing, and Finance in the HCO

    Healthcare organizations often employ multicorporate structures because of their many financial benefits. Use the internet or other resources to find an example of an HCO that uses a multicorporate structure and explain how it benefits that organization

    Health care organizations as a business

    How can healthcare organizations integrate traditional business concepts of marketing and economics into successful strategies of health care delivery without losing the "caring" aspect of the profession?

    Planning, Marketing, and Finance in the HCO

    1. Healthcare organizatons often employ multicorporate structure because of their many financial benefits. Use the internet/library of other resources. Specifically, use U.S. sources if at all possible - to find an example of an HCO that uses a Multicorporate structure and explain how it benefits that organization.