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    North American History

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    Geer's history is briefly responded to using reader responose.

    Attachment 1.Would Geer's account have been as compelling if all had gone well? Do historians and cultures value tragic historical accounts more than happy ones? 2.Given your prior knowledge of the Oregon Trail, what would you expect the arrival in Oregon to be like? Compare that view with what happened to Geer.

    American history: past and present

    Please help with the following question about American history. Discuss what you feel to be a key turning point (or tipping point) in the progression toward Civil War in America. Could the war have been avoided? How?

    Political drivers

    Principle drivers behind the political violence in the US in the last 300 years

    Analyze excerpts from Columbus' log

    Do these excerpts from Columbus' log provide us with any useful information about the native societies of these islands? For example, what? Cite specific evidence.

    Mining Communities: Edward Gould Buffum

    1.The three men who were hanged were foreign immigrants who didn't speak English? How significant is this fact? Was it merely coincidental? 2.How do you account for the conditions that existed in mining communities such as this one? ---- Edward Gould Buffum, Six Months in the Gold Mines (1850) The discovery of gold in

    John L. O'Sullivan

    1.How does O'Sullivan address the question of slavery in Texas? What does he predict will ultimately bring about the end of slavery? What are his opinions on race? 2.Does O'Sullivan believe Texas will be the last territory the U.S. will annex? Where else might the nation expand? 3.In what other situations in U.S. history w

    Geer's accounts are summarized.

    1.Would Geer's account have been as compelling if all had gone well? Do historians and cultures value tragic historical accounts more than happy ones? 2.Given your prior knowledge of the Oregon Trail, what would you expect the arrival in Oregon to be like? Compare that view with what happened to Geer.

    Women's rights

    Compare the Cult of Domesticity's notion of an ideal woman, with the Women's Rights' notion of the ideal woman. In other words, how did each see women's roles and attitudes? How satisfactorily do either of these ideals describe women today, do you think? Step

    Perspectives of American slavery

    In your discussion post, describe one or two of Fitzhugh's points. Then discuss how the other two sources you read (make sure you note which sources you read) offer another perspective on slavery. Discuss which evidence describing the real experience of slavery do you find the most convincing and why?

    Cristicism of Europeans visiting America

    Describe which aspects of American culture European visitors emphasized. Then discuss the common criticism these travelers gave against America and Americans. Use examples from the sources to back up your points. there are 4 sources that are attached

    The Triumph of White Men's Democracy

    What should we emphasize in our teaching and in our learning about this era of "White Men's Democracy?" What do you think is the dominant "narrative" or story, about this era in American history and culture?

    The Blessings of Slavery (1857)

    In your discussion post, describe one or two of Fitzhugh's points. Then discuss how the other two sources you read (make sure you note which sources you read) offer another perspective on slavery. Discuss which evidence describing the real experience of slavery do you find the most convincing and why?

    The Freedom Of Colonial Women

    How much freedom did colonial women have? What factors could effect that freedom? Evaluate the importance of race, class, and religion to this issue.

    George Washington overview

    Discuss the ways Washington was mythologized in the early 19th century, and try to come up with reasons WHY Americans felt the need to mythologize Washington in this way. (Note: the second part of this question is more interpretive and speculative)

    American revolution

    How would you describe the American army, and their military prowess (or lack thereof) especially as compared to the British army? Why do you think the Americans ended up (against all odds) winning the war? And finally, does the fighting in the American revolution have relevance for recent American wars?

    Imact of Depression on families and on gender relations

    1. Great Depression had affected the income level of the families 2. The depression had caused family disorganization and deprivation 3. Traditional gender roles were slightly affected 4. African women were badly affected and women became a major chunk of the workforce 5. Some families were left intact by the horrors of Gre

    Principles of the American Revolution

    Talk about whether you believe that the Constitution preserved the principles of the Revolution, or whether it subverted the true principles of the Revolution?

    US Declaration of Independence

    Describe the different sections of the Declaration. What does the bulk of the Declaration consist of, and why? Which section has had the most lasting relevance and why? What groups were excluded from Jefferson's statements, and what were their arguments for being included?

    US & the Global Community

    Explain the role of the United States in the emerging global community from the 1990s to the present. It needs to be less then 300 words.

    English settlers' effects on America today

    English settlers were in three main regions in early America - John Smith and company in Jamestown and the Chesapeake; the Puritans in Massachusetts and New England, and the Quakers in Pennsylvania. What kind of legacy did each of these leave on modern America, do you think? In other words, what echoes of these groups remain in

    Non-Voters & Social Class

    Are non-voters often less educated? Do they often have less money? Do you believe this contributes as to why most nonvoters do not vote?