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    Discrete Math

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    Operations Research

    Infocomp Systems is a research and development laboratory firm that develops computer systems and software primarily for the medical industry. The laboratory has proposals from its own researchers for eight new projects. Each of the proposed research projects requires limited resources and it is not possible to undertake all

    Matlab plot of the spectrum of the signal

    Create a simple low-pass filter consisting of 10 1's in a row lpf = ones(1,10) Plot the spectrum of the signal using the command: plot(abs(fft([lpf zeros(1,246)]))); Indicate the frequency of the first zero in the frequency response in terms of the sampling frequency (frequency(bin#) = (bin#-1)*fs/(N_bins)

    Decision Theory - Expected Values

    The concessions manager at our local college baseball game must decide whether to have the vendors sell sun visors or umbrellas. There is a 30% chance of rain, a 15% chance of overcast skies, and a 55% chance of sunshine, according to the weather forecast where the game is to be held. The manager estimates the following profit

    Proofs : Quadrilaterals

    1- Prove that in a cyclic quadrilateral we have opposite angles supplementary without introducing the center of the circle. 2- Prove that a quadrilateral is paralleogram if it is simple and opposite angles are congurent.

    Closed-Loop Control System: Unit-Ramp Response

    See the attached file. a) Using MATLAB, obtain the unit-ramp response of the closed-loop control system whose closed loop transfer function is (see attached file for equation). b) Obtain the response of this system when the input is given by r = e^-0.5t. c) Show the above inputs also along with cor

    Matlab : Lutx Function

    I was trying to modify the matlab built-in lutx function, by using for loops, but when I tested the results with my new function it didn't give the same results. Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems.

    Compactness with two equivalent norms

    (See attached file for full problem description and symbols) --- Assume that and are two equivalent norms on X, and that . Prove that M is compact in if and only if M is compact in .

    Ordered basis proof

    (See attached file for full problem description with symbols) --- We have seen that the linear operator defined by is represented in the standard ordered basis by the matrix . This operator satisfies . Prove that if S is a linear operator on such that , then S = 0 or S = I, or these is an ordered basis for such that

    Linear operators proof

    (See attached file for full problem description) --- Let V be a two-dimensional vector space over the field F, and let be an ordered basis for V. If is a linear operator and then prove that ---

    After 100 sutdents had entered the school, which locker doors were open?

    6. Students at an elementary school tried an experiment. When recess was over, each student walked into the school one at a time. The first student opened all the first 100 locker doors. The second students closed all the locker doors with even numbers. The third student changed all the locker doors with numbers that were mul

    Extended Euclidian Algorithm Proofs

    (See attached file for full problem description) --- Given positive integers a and b, the extended Euclidian algorithm constructs sequences qn, rn, sn and tn, which are defined recursively as follows: q0=0, q1=0, qn= q└ rn-2/ rn-1 ┘ for n>=2; r0=a, r1=b, rn= rn-2 - qnrn-1 for n>=2; s0=1, s1=0, sn= sn-

    Solving discrete math proofs

    Please help with the following proofs. Answer true or false for each along with step by step proofs. 1) Prove that all integers a,b,p, with p>0 and q>0 that ((a+b) mod p)mod q = (a mod p) mod q + (b mod p) mod q Or give a counterexample 2) prove for all integers a,b,p,q with p>0 and q>0 that ((a-b)mod p) mod q=0

    Discrete Proof of Divisibility

    (See attached file for full problem description) --- Let d,m and n be positive integers with m>1 and m≡ 1 (mod d), let n= c0+mc1+m2c2+m3c3+...+mrcr be the base=m expansion of n, and let f = c0+c1+c2+c3+...+cr Prove that n is divisible by d if and only if f is divisible by d. ---

    LCM/ GCD proof

    Prove for all positives integers x and y that Lcm(5x,7y) = 5* 7 * x*y ----------------------- gcd(x*gcd(5,y),7y)

    Cantor Ternary Set : Countable or Not?

    How do I proof of a Cantor ternary set and how to identify whether its countable or not? (See attached file for full problem description with equation) --- Consider the set C all elements of R that have the form Where each αi is either 0 or 2. Prove that in fact S is the Cantor ternary set. Given that C is the C

    Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications

    Key Characteristics: Please give an English text description - in your own words - highlighting key characteristics of the topic. 1. Alphabet (or vocabulary): 2. Language: 3. Type 0 grammar: 4. Derivation (or parse) tree: 5. Backus-Naur form: 6. Language recognized by an automaton: 7. Regular expression: 8. Regular se

    Set Theory Proof

    I would like to know how to prove sets involving intersection/union. (See attached file for full problem description)

    Quantificational formal logic

    (See attached file for full problem description with proper symbols) --- Premise : (Ex) (Ey) (Axy v Bxy)  (Ez) (Cz) Premise : (x) (y) (Cx  ~Cy) Conclusion : /. : (x)(y)(~Axy) The E's should be backwards. I couldn't find a symbol for it. The /.: means concludes This symbol  means implies. T

    Prove: Set Theory, closed sets and compact sets

    I would like to know how to construct a proof of union/and of 2 closed sets and how to prove compact sets. (See attached file for full problem description) --- a. Let E and F be closed sets in R. Prove that E R is closed. Prove the E F is closed. b. Let E and F be compact sets in R. Prove that E F is compact. Prove

    Equation Functions for Groups

    6. Let (G, *) be a group. Show that each equation of either the form ax = b or the form xa = b has a unique solution in G. 7. Show that (R - {1}, *), where a * b = a + b + ab is a group

    Symmetric Generalized Eigenproblem: Orthogonality Proof

    For the s y m m e t r i c g e n e r a l i z e d e i g e n p r o b l e m A y = B y , l e t ' s p r o v e t h e o r t h o g o n a l i t y s t a t e m e n t s y JT B y i = 0 , J≠ i a n d yJT A y i = 0 , J ≠ i f o r J = i . F i r s t , w r i

    Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications : Simplify

    22. Simplify these expressions (+ = + inside a circle or 'direct sum') 1. x + 0 2. x + 1 3. x + x 4. x + x-bar For each topic, demonstrate a knowledge and capability by giving the following information: 1) Problem Solution: (solution for an even number problem) 2) Personal Observation: (personal comment

    Discrete mathematical functions

    Find a transitive closure of the relation R on {a,b,c,d,e} given by R= {(a,b), (a,c), (a,e),(b,a), (b,c),(c,a), (c,b),(d,a,),(e,d)}