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    Fractions and Percentages

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    Word Problems : Percentages

    A. In five years the price of a house in Vancouver is expected to be about 164% of today's price. If the trend continues, what percent of today's price would you expect the price of a house to be in 15 years? B. The sum of two numbers is 24. One number is increased by 50% while the other is decreased by 50%. The sum of the tw


    State whether each of the following fraction is a terminating or repeating decimal. If the decimal terminates, state the number of decimal places and show how you decided. IF the decimal repeats, write the decimal representation of the fraction. a. 12/32 b. 6/2^2 x 5^7 x 3 ^meaning exponent!

    Order Repeating Decimals

    Determine whether the following are equal. If not, which is smaller, and why? _ 0.2525 (the line should be over the last 25) _ 0.2525 (the line should be over the entire 2525).

    Reciprocals of given numbers

    5/8, 3/16, 7/5, 9/10. Find the reciprocals of the given numbers and order them from smallest to largest. What do you observe about the order.

    Equivalence Relation on the set R of all Real Numbers

    Show that == (where == is the equivalence relation defined below) is an equivalence on A, and find a (well-defined) bijection %: A== -> B, where (a) A = R (the set of all real numbers) (b) B={x: x is an element of R and 0 <= x < 1} (c) for real numbers x and y, "x==y" (x is equivalent to y) if and only if x - y is an e

    Subtraction of Fractions

    From central parking it is 9/10 of a mile to the science building. Bob started at central parking and walked 1/5 of a mile toward the science building. He stopped for coffee. When he finished how much farther did he have to walk to reach the science building?

    Area Calculation

    A hallway measures 8 1/6 yards by 5 1/7 yards. How many square yards is the area of the hallway?

    Group Work Case Study: Probability Questions

    John decides to set up a music group with his even best friends. The group will work only if at least five of his friends can join. Using simulation, answer the following: 1. If John thinks that there is a 50% chance that each of his friends will join the group, can you estimate the probability of getting at least five frien

    One equality Common Denominator Form

    Problem: I'm trying to prove the following: using the following identity: I have tried various methods, but I am baffled! Incidentally, I would be very grateful if you could also show me how to prove the second formula. Solution: We can solve following identity without using the second one. First

    Statistics: Percentages from Groups

    When the members of the Eye and I Photo Club discussed what type of film they had used during the past month, the following information was obtained; 77 used black and white film, 24 used only black and white, 65 used color, 18 used only color, 101 used black and white or color, 27 used infrared, 9 used all three types, and 8 di

    Circle (pie) graph and percentages

    Construct a circle graph, with sectors given in percent, to represent the data in the given table. Favorite Restaurant Style / Number of Responses Chinese/ 138 Indian/ 90 Mexican /144 Thai/ 108 Answer the question appropriately. How many people were surveyed?

    Circle graph and percentage

    Use the circle graph to solve the problem. A survey of the 8263 vehicles on the campus of State University yielded the following circle graph. motorcycles 9% concertibles hatchbacks 16% 35% vans 7%

    Understanding sequencing and fraction differences.

    Context: It would normally follow on from work on sequences and fractions Question: Ruth was investigating fraction differences. She wrote down this sequence of fractions: 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1,5 1,6 ... ... Then she worked out the difference between the consecutive fractions: 1/2, 1/6, 1/12, 1/20, 1/30, .. .. Sh