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Independent sample t test in SPSS

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2. SPSS computation and Interpretation (T-test):
Use the "2009FinalExamData1_OnlineSurveyResponses.sav" file.
This data set consists of 96 MBA students' perception/attitude toward social media usage. You
should find the variable definition by clicking the SPSS "Variable View" for details. A
researcher (let's call this individual "Researcher AAA") suspects that an average active social
media user would consider using social media a fun activity more than an average non-active
social media user (in other words, this researcher suspects that a typical active social media user
would consider using social media more fun than that of a typical non-active social media user).
Please help this researcher complete this task by answering the following four sub-questions:

a. What is the mean value of respondents' perception toward "fun" among active social media
users? [Hint: you may use SPSS' Explore function: Analyze

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Solution Summary

The solution provides step by step method for the calculation of independent sample t test in SPSS . Formula for the calculation and Interpretations of the results are also included.

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2. SPSS computation and Interpretation (T-test):

Use the "2009FinalExamData1_OnlineSurveyResponses.sav" file.

This data set consists of 96 MBA students' perception/attitude toward social media usage. You
should find the ...

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